The Sargassum seaweed crisis continues to affect the coasts of many countries within the Caribbean Sea, Southern Mexico, and the Central American region. With this influx of unwanted and unsightly crisis, countries and beach resorts affected are feeling the pressure and threat that the seaweed inundation on beaches are posing to their tourism market. The Sargassum influx is not only unsightly but also has a very unpleasant smell and therefore prohibits the tourists from experiencing the pristine beaches that they have seen on brochures or have experienced in the past.

In our role as Asset Managers, working on behalf of hotel owners to address issues they are faced, has led us to identify potential solutions for the Sargassum inundation faced by many beach resorts.

To this effect we have been working closely with a French manufacturer “CDO Innov” and their engineering department to develop a suitable solution that would fit Hotels and Resort specifics needs.

We are now happy to represent CDO Innov as their sales representative and to present “ALGACLEAN”, an innovative, reliable and sustainable solution to Algae and Sargassum invasion.

ALGACLEAN is available onshore, offshore, in different sizes and capacities, whilst the collection process is performed by suction in the water.

The “ALGACLEAN 120” has been specifically designed to satisfy hotels and resorts needs facing access constraints. The patented system and equipment are made from a high-quality material which guarantees its robustness and efficiency while on the job. A strong focus has been made on ensuring reduced maintenance and operating costs as well as minimal manpower and training requirements.

ALGACLEAN equipment went through an extensive assessment process conducted by the European Commission and was granted with a “Seal of Excellence” in November of 2017.

Contact us for more information.

Let’s work together to keep our beaches clean.